Business Litigation

Business Disputes

Business disputes can be time-consuming, expensive and emotionally-draining for everyone involved.  The right legal representation can make the difference between a business that survives those disputes and those that face dissolution or worse. 

ONeal Law has represented plaintiffs and defendants in complex business disputes of all types.  Our firm will bring that experience to bear to help you and your company navigate any potential business disputes.

Disputes with Another Company

Business disputes with another company can take on many different forms.  Whether you are looking to pursue a claim against a company or you are in need of defense against a claim, ONeal Law will leverage our extensive experience in business litigation to seek a solution without going to trial.  In certain cases where a trial cannot be avoided, we are prepared to see your case through to a verdict, and will aggressively represent you and use our extensive experience to bring about a favorable resolution.

LLC, Shareholder and Partnership Disputes

Limited Liability Company, Shareholder and Partnership disputes are something that most businesses will encounter at some point.  Both people and interests change over time, and this can lead to a need to reorganize your ownership structure.  This can be a straightforward process of negotiating a settlement or the more protracted process of dissolving the business assets, so all owners and stakeholders can divide up what’s left of the business and move on.  In either case, you want to have an experienced attorney representing your best interests.

Employment Issues

Employment disputes can take on many forms and they are certainly hard to predict.  ONeal Law can help your company prepare for possible employment issues by crafting effective and enforceable employment contracts.  Our firm has the expertise to defend your company against employment disputes and the experience and ability to pursue any trade secret misappropriation cases.

Government and Regulatory Disputes

Disputes that involve government and regulatory agencies may be the most expensive and time-consuming of all potential disputes. ONeal Law has represented clients with legal issues involving local, state, and federal government agencies. We can help you craft a plan for working with government agencies or help you defend against any claims.

Businesss Litigation Areas of Practice


Breach of Contract


Partnership Disputes


Employment Contract Law


Non-Compete and Non-Solicitation


Regulatory Approval


Trade Secret Misappropriation


Unfair Competition


Commercial Transactions


Business Fraud


Income Tax Disputes

ONeal Law has the expertise and experience to guide your company through any business dispute.  With proper planning and effective legal strategies, many business disputes can be avoided.  For those that can’t, our firm is ready to aggressively represent your interests.  Call us at 205-322-0300 to schedule your initial consultation today.